David W. Knight Sr.
David W. Knight Sr. is a cultural resource consultant, historian, and author.
My Books
You can purchase my books at these locations:
Baja El Sol Gallery
Available in the Virgin Islands on St John.
VI Traders
Purchase online here.
Caribbean Genealogy Library
Available in the Virgin Islands on St Thomas.
On the Outskirts of Eden
1492 – 1692
Cruz Bay
From Conquest to Exploitation
A Forgotten History
The previously untold history of the town of Cruz Bay (now a National Register Historic District) on the island of St John, U. S. Virgin Islands, from its founding as a modest rural hamlet by Danish colonists in 1766, to its meteoric rise as a booming gateway to one of America’s most popular National Parks. (History & Historic District Resource Guide)
The Enigmatic History of Water Island in the Danish West Indies
An in-depth documentary investigation into Danish colonization in the West Indies and the occupation and development Water Island, the smallest of the primary islands of today’s U. S. Virgin Islands. (History)
Understanding Annaberg
Step back in time and explore the complex tapestry of lives and events behind the imposing ruins of the Annaberg sugar-factory on the island of St. John in the Virgin Islands National Park. (History & Visitor’s Guide)
St Thomas 1803
Crossroads of the Diaspora
An annotated transcription of the little-known 1803 “Registration of Free Colored Inhabitants” in the town of Charlotte Amalie in the Danish West Indies – today’s St Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands – with translations by Dr. Gary T. Horlacher. A must read for all students of the African Diaspora! (Genealogy & History)
The 1688 Census of the Danish West Indies
Portrait of a Colony in Crisis
An annotated transcription of the first comprehensive census of the multiethnic inhabitants of the Danish colony of St. Thomas in the West Indies, with information on the condition and locations of their properties, as well as rare data regarding the colony’s enslaved African and Indigenous-American laborers – translations by Dr. Gary T. Horlacher (Genealogy & History)
There may have been a time when preservation was about saving an old building here or there, but those days are gone. Preservation is in the business of saving communities and the values they embody.
Richard Moe
National Trust for Historic Preservation